The mission of Gentle Gardener Green Design is to support your personal stewardship of the Earth. These principles guide our products and services:

•   Approach gardening holistically; provide garden design services, materials and knowledge to harmonize plant, animal and human habitats with healthy soil and water life.

•  Connect people with place in a distinctively American style, by offering the work of local artisans and growers, complemented by a diverse mix of the finest craft from around the world. Feature American craft, materials and native plants. Reuse and recycle close to the source.

•  Empower the gardener with knowledge of more gentle gardening methods, and encourage mindfulness in the practice of gardening.

•  Encourage biodiversity and create habitats in gardens.

•  Strive toward sustainability in all aspects of business and design, so that the elements of the system work in harmony with each other to minimize waste and work.

•  Create beauty. Call forth body, mind and spirit to, as the Navajo say, "Walk in Beauty."


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